Edgar Santos Gomes


Law Degree from Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ (2004). Specialization in tax law at the Brazilian Institute of Tax Studies – IBET (2006). Master of Laws (LL.M.) in International Tax Law at the University of Leiden, Netherlands (2010).

Visiting professor of international tax law and lecturer in universities in Brazil and abroad.

15 years of experience in administrative and judicial tax litigation; tax consulting and planning, in domestic and international transactions involving individuals and companies resident in Brazil and abroad.


Brazilian Bar Association in Rio de Janeiro (2005); Brazilian Bar Association in São Paulo (2011); International Fiscal Association (2013); Brazilian Association of Financial Law (2013); and the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (2019).

Member of the Commission on Asset Recovery in International Fraud of the Brazilian Bar Association of the State of Rio de Janeiro (OAB/RJ) and the Tax Reform Commission of the State of Rio de Janeiro in the working group on estate taxation.


Portuguese | English | Spanish


  • Co-author of the bookTributaçãoInternacional: Análise de casos – Volume 3 (“International Taxation : Case Analysis – Volume 3”) – São Paulo, MP Editora, 2015.

  • Co-author of the book A TributaçãoInternacionalnaEra Pós-Beps (“International Taxation in the Post-Beps Era”) – Rio de Janeiro, Lumen Juris, 2016.

  • Co-author of the bookDireitoTributárioInternacional – Homenagemao Professor Alberto Xavier (“International Tax Law – Tribute to Professor Alberto Xavier”) – São Paulo, Quartier Latin, 2016.

  • Editor and co-author of the book Estudos de TributaçãoInternacional (“International Tax Studies”) – Rio de Janeiro, Lumen Juris, 2017.